I stumbled upon this fascinating and quirky challenge that got me thinking about JavaScript’s reserved words. You know, those keywords that are part of the language syntax and can’t be used for anything else. It’s surprising how many of them there are, and it makes JavaScript programming a bit trickier sometimes.
So, I thought it would be fun to create a little problem around this concept. The task is to write a function that identifies and counts how many reserved words are present in a given string of JavaScript code. This could be any piece of code—maybe a tiny snippet you’re working on, or even a more extensive piece you’ve found lying around.
Here’s the fun part: you can only use a limited set of tools to accomplish your goal. For instance, you’re allowed to use basic string methods like `split`, `trim`, and `indexOf`, but you can’t use regex or any fancy parsing libraries. The aim is to keep it simple and rely on good old JavaScript.
To get started, you might want to compile a list of reserved words. I’ve got a few in mind: `if`, `else`, `for`, `while`, `let`, `const`, `function`, `class`, etc. Just ensure your list is thorough! Once you’ve got this list, your function should loop through the input string, split it into words, and check each one against your reserved word list.
Another twist to consider: what should your function return? A simple count of reserved words could be enough, but what if you also want to return those words, or even flag any incorrect usages? The possibilities are endless!
I’m really curious to see how people tackle this. If you could share your approach or even a code snippet, that would be amazing! But, keep in mind we’re aiming for creativity and efficiency here. Can’t wait to see your solutions!
Count JavaScript Reserved Words
I’ve been thinking about this fun challenge to count reserved words in JavaScript code. Here’s a simple approach that I came up with:
So, the `countReservedWords` function splits the input string into words and checks each one against a list of reserved words. It returns the count and the actual reserved words found in the code snippet. Super simple, right? What do you think? I’m excited to see what others come up with!
JavaScript Reserved Words Counter
This function identifies and counts the number of reserved words present in a given string of JavaScript code. We begin by creating an array of reserved words which are common to the JavaScript syntax. The function then processes the input string by splitting it into an array of words and checking each word against our reserved words array. A count is maintained, and we return both the count and the list of reserved words found in the input.