I’ve been trying to figure out how to run multiple instances of Telegram on my computer, and I’m honestly scratching my head here. I’ve got a couple of different accounts that I’d love to access simultaneously without having to log in and out all the time. It feels kind of annoying when you’re just trying to keep in touch with everyone.
I know that there’s the desktop version, which is pretty neat, but I’ve heard there are ways to run more than one instance of it, whether through virtual desktops, using portable versions, or maybe some sneaky tricks with settings. I came across a few random tips online, but they were all over the place, and honestly, some of them looked a bit sketchy.
Here’s what I’m wondering: Are there specific steps you all have figured out that work for running multiple instances? Like, do I need to download secondary software, or is there a way to tweak the existing Telegram setup? I’ve heard people mention using different user accounts on Windows, but does that really work? And what about Mac users? Is it different for them?
If anyone has been successful with this or has any clear advice, could you break it down for me? I’m all about those step-by-step instructions or even any pitfalls to avoid. I’ve got a lot going on with work and personal chats, and I just need an efficient way to manage everything without the hassle of constantly switching accounts.
I’d love to hear from folks who’ve tackled this before. Any tips or recommendations would help a ton! Also, if there are any good resources or tutorials that you found helpful, please share those too! Thanks in advance; really appreciate it!
How to Run Multiple Instances of Telegram
If you want to run multiple instances of Telegram on your computer, you have a few options to make it work without all the hassle of logging in and out. Here’s a breakdown of some methods that have worked for others:
1. Portable Versions
You can use portable versions of Telegram, which don’t require installation and allow you to run multiple instances at the same time. Here’s how to do it:
2. Using Virtual Desktops (Windows)
If you’re on Windows 10 or later, you can create virtual desktops to have multiple Telegram applications open:
3. Different User Accounts (Windows)
You can also create separate user accounts on your Windows computer for each Telegram account:
4. For Mac Users
If you’re on macOS, you can follow similar steps:
5. Virtual Machines
A more advanced method is to set up a virtual machine using something like VirtualBox:
Before you dive in, just be aware:
Hope this helps you manage your Telegram accounts more smoothly! If anyone knows other tricks or tips, definitely share them!
Running multiple instances of Telegram on your computer is indeed feasible, and there are several methods to accomplish this depending on whether you are using Windows or macOS. One effective way is to use the portable version of Telegram. This version allows you to run it without installation, so you can download multiple instances into different folders. Simply download the Telegram Portable package, extract it, and run different copies from separate folders. This way, you can log into each instance with a different account without any conflicts.
For Windows users, creating separate user accounts can be a convenient method as well. You can switch between user accounts to run separate instances of Telegram, though this might be a bit cumbersome if you’re constantly needing to switch. If you’re familiar with using virtual machines, that’s another option—running a VM with its own instance of Telegram for each account needed. For macOS users, you can use a similar approach with multiple user accounts or run Telegram through a different application like “Franz” or “Rambox” that combines messaging services into a single interface, allowing you to manage multiple chats efficiently while keeping separate accounts organized without the hassle of switching. Always be cautious of third-party applications and stick to well-reviewed options to avoid potential security risks.