I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why the `localPosition` of my UI object is behaving unexpectedly during runtime. I’ve got this script for a simple opening animation where it sets the `localPosition` of the `profileParent` object out of the screen and then smoothly moves it back into view. Sounds straightforward, right? But here’s the kicker—I’m getting different `localPosition` values in the game compared to what I’m trying to set in the script.
So here’s the setup: I start by logging the initial position of `profileParent` to see what it looks like before the animation kicks in. Then, I set its position to `new Vector3(-150, -61f, 0)` to hide it out of the screen. No surprises there. The console output after that line gives me the expected value. But when I call `StartCoroutine(OpeningAnim())`, and after I yield, I try to bring it back in with `profileParent.DOLocalMove(new Vector3(150, -61), .3f)`. Again, everything seems fine at first, but then, when I log the position afterwards, the output is definitely not matching what I expected.
Honestly, I’ve done this exact kind of animation in a bunch of my other games without any issues—same parent and all. So, it’s frustrating not to be able to pinpoint what’s causing this discrepancy. The logs are showing that both `transform.localPosition` and `transform.DOLocalMove` yield differing results, and I can’t help but wonder why this is happening. Is there something I’m overlooking, maybe a weird parenting issue or some stray script elsewhere that’s affecting this object?
I even double-checked the inspector in Unity to ensure that everything’s set up correctly, and the position values there seem normal. Yet, when I run the game, it just feels off, and I end up seeing it behaving differently than I intended. Could someone shed some light on what might be going wrong here? Any insights would be super appreciated!
It sounds like you’re dealing with a classic issue that can often trip up Unity developers, especially when it comes to UI elements and their positioning.
Here are a few things to check that might help you figure out what’s going on:
Lastly, it could be beneficial to create a simple test scene with just the `profileParent` and its position animations. If it works correctly there, then the issue is likely something else in your game’s main scene.
Keep tinkering with it! These little quirks of Unity can be frustrating but are also great learning experiences.
It seems like you may be facing issues with the way the `localPosition` is being calculated or influenced by some external factors in Unity. One common source of discrepancies in local positions is the hierarchy and the pivot points of the parents in your UI structure. Check if the `profileParent` object has any parent objects whose transformations might be affecting it. If there are any transforms applied to the parent objects (e.g., scale, rotation), these can directly affect the local position of the children. Also, ensure that the anchors and pivot settings in the RectTransform component are set correctly, as these can impact how the UI elements are positioned on the screen. Consider logging the full hierarchy of transforms to help debug potential influences on `profileParent`’s position.
Another possibility is that some other scripts might be overriding or conflicting with your position settings. Inspect all scripts that could potentially modify the `localPosition` of `profileParent`. If you have animations or other coroutines running, they may interfere with the intended outcome of your animation. To isolate the issue, you could temporarily disable other scripts or isolate the script controlling the opening animation. Additionally, ensure that there are no subscriptions that might be updating the position during the coroutine execution. Debugging with breakpoints or using Unity’s Debug.Log() strategically throughout your code will help you track down where the unexpected values are originating from and why they differ from what you set.